The Financial and Administrative Services (FAS) Data Security Compliance Program (DSCP), housed within the Budget and Resource Management Office, focuses on FAS managed information technology assets and processes. We provide resources for FAS units to ensure the confidentiality, integrity, and availability of data and computing resources which are needed to perform their jobs and support the UCSF mission.
Our Goal
The goal of the FAS Data Security Compliance Program is to reduce FAS security risk exposure by securing sensitive data and satisfying compliance requirements.
Our Objectives
- Improve UCSF security posture
- Empower FAS units to identify and remediate risks
- Prioritize remediation tasks
- Educate the organization regarding real threats and weaknesses
- Increase visibility and capability to track risks
- Improve the consistency of risk assessment approaches
- Establish a common formula for risk evaluations
- Meet audit and regulatory requirements
If you are a part of FAS and would like to start up an application or have security compliance concerns, please contact Edel Alon.